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Lorazepam User Reviews, Experiences

Experience reports on the drug Lorazepam:

Posted in Nervous system

Reviews, Experiences, Questions

  1. mug

    A sleeping pill that is well tolerated. Very good experience, works reliably and without side effects.
    Dosage 0.5mg at night if required.

  2. Katy

    I was given lorazepam 10×0.5mg once by my neurologist for exam anxiety. I would never risk taking a sedative medication before an exam, but fine. Instead, I used it when I was very restless in the evening. I didn’t notice too much, slightly calming and sleep-inducing, but not the big deal it’s made out to be. During a transfer I was offered 2mg of lorazepam in hospital – I refused, but was given it anyway and then took it. I ended up having a relatively relaxed evening, but I find oxazepam works much better for me.

  3. jJ

    I had severe inner restlessness due to my shortness of breath at night, it lasted for hours, then I took a lorazepam and after an hour the restlessness was gone, it also helps wonderfully with panic attacks. i am very satisfied with lorazepam

  4. Pengu

    The medication has been effective in managing my insomnia and anxiety. However, it has a high potential for addiction, and over time, I’ve noticed an increased desire for it. I’ve been on this medication for six months and am now looking to discontinue its use. According to medical advice, the process of weaning off could take between three to six months. This medication is beneficial for short-term use, perhaps a month or two. Prolonged use can complicate life as it prevents the switch to alternatives like CBD or CBN until it’s entirely out of your system. Even after discontinuation, withdrawal symptoms can persist for months. While it’s a useful medication, it’s important to use it with caution.

What is your experience? Or do you have a question?

What is your experience with this medication, or do you have a question about it? Did the medication help (dosage, duration of use)? What has improved/worsened? What side effects have you noticed?

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